course for news anchor

Certificate in News Anchoring

This Certificate Course in News Anchoring can be an excellent way to kickstart a career in media, particularly in news anchoring and broadcasting. This course is strategically designed to provide students with a foundational understanding of journalism, along with specific skills related to news presentation, voice modulation, scriptwriting, on-camera techniques, and the use of teleprompters, among others.

Upon completion of the course, graduates can pursue careers as news anchors, reporters, content creators, or in various roles within the media and entertainment industry. HIMCOM enhance the skills of the students to develop a career in News Anchoring, this course is a complete package of practical & theoretical knowledge. Course for news anchor, follows the latest curriculum and proves an example of exemplary and effective teaching required in today's time.

Anchoring & Reporting courses in Delhi

  • HIMCOM prepare students for news reading and anchoring and to provide them hands-on experience for media industry.
  • Course for news anchor aims to expose its students to the techniques employed in news reading and anchoring for live events, TV shows and News shows.
  • This Course for news anchor aims that students can shine in challenging careers like Anchoring, Show Hosting, Public Speaking and News Reporting etc.



  • About TV News Anchoring
  • Practical Exposure to TV News
  • Studio & Camera Facing Techniques
  • Getting Ready for Anchoring & Reporting
  • Benefits of Joining HCN News